Emotions drive a lot of our behaviour. That's pretty well established. However, it was fascinating to find how the six destructive emotions identified in Hindu scriptures are connected to each other and how Kama is at the root of it all.
As you probably know, Kama means desire and it is next to impossible to lead a life without desires. It is also the root cause of many other emotions. Let me show you how Hindu scriptures connect Kama to the other 5 emotions which can be so destructive.
When desire arises, we seem to be naturally programmed to seek to fulfil it.
However, When Kama is obstructed, Krodha or anger arises.
On the other hand, if Kama is fulfilled, one becomes greedy (Lobha) to have more of it.
When one is constantly triggered either by anger or greed, one becomes excessively attached to that pattern of reacting to desires getting met or not getting met. This is called Moha (excessive attachment/delusion). One loses perspective and does not see things as they really are or discern that there are other ways of viewing and dealing with kama's consequences.
Also, if one is "successful" by being greedy, one becomes proud and intoxicated. This is called Mada (pride or intoxication).
Anger also leads to intoxication. One loses control of oneself and in that sense is intoxicated. Angry persons also disrespect others as an outcome of Mada.
Maatsarya (envy) - Such a person does not want to lose or to have anyone surpass him/her. They always want to win or be the one on top. They want others to look up to them or envy them. That is the way they feel superior to others.This too is the fallout of Mada or pride.
So Kama sets off Krodha and Lobha. When one is in the grip of Krodha or Lobha, one is a victim of Moha. Which leads to Mada and then to Matsarya.
Understanding this connection was very helpful for me so i thought i would share it with all of you too.
As always, i would love to know more about this fascinating subject and to hear your thoughts and comments too.
As you probably know, Kama means desire and it is next to impossible to lead a life without desires. It is also the root cause of many other emotions. Let me show you how Hindu scriptures connect Kama to the other 5 emotions which can be so destructive.
When desire arises, we seem to be naturally programmed to seek to fulfil it.
However, When Kama is obstructed, Krodha or anger arises.
On the other hand, if Kama is fulfilled, one becomes greedy (Lobha) to have more of it.
When one is constantly triggered either by anger or greed, one becomes excessively attached to that pattern of reacting to desires getting met or not getting met. This is called Moha (excessive attachment/delusion). One loses perspective and does not see things as they really are or discern that there are other ways of viewing and dealing with kama's consequences.
Also, if one is "successful" by being greedy, one becomes proud and intoxicated. This is called Mada (pride or intoxication).
Maatsarya (envy) - Such a person does not want to lose or to have anyone surpass him/her. They always want to win or be the one on top. They want others to look up to them or envy them. That is the way they feel superior to others.This too is the fallout of Mada or pride.
So Kama sets off Krodha and Lobha. When one is in the grip of Krodha or Lobha, one is a victim of Moha. Which leads to Mada and then to Matsarya.
Understanding this connection was very helpful for me so i thought i would share it with all of you too.
As always, i would love to know more about this fascinating subject and to hear your thoughts and comments too.