Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some more on Zohar and Marshall

Zohar and Marshall introduced 12 qualities of Spiritual Quotient. 
They derive these principles from the qualities that define complex adaptive systems. In biology, complex adaptive systems are living systems that create order out of chaos, they create order and information and defy the law of entropy.
Those principles are:
  • Self-awareness: Knowing what I believe in and value, and what deeply motivates me
  • Spontaneity: Living in and being responsive to the moment
  • Being vision- and value-led: Acting from principles and deep beliefs, and living accordingly
  • Holism: Seeing larger patterns, relationships, and connections; having a sense of belonging
  • Compassion: Having the quality of "feeling-with" and deep empathy
  • Celebration of diversity: Valuing other people for their differences, not despite them
  • Field independence: Standing against the crowd and having one's own convictions
  • Humility: Having the sense of being a player in a larger drama, of one's true place in the world
  • Tendency to ask fundamental "Why?" questions: Needing to understand things and get to the bottom of them
  • Ability to reframe: Standing back from a situation or problem and seeing the bigger picture; seeing problems in a wider context
  • Positive use of adversity: Learning and growing from mistakes, setbacks, and suffering
  • Sense of vocation: Feeling called upon to serve, to give something back
Source: Wikipedia 

Something to reflect on

Here is a poem I read that really resonated for me. I think it is for every parent/teacher/adult who interacts with every child. Including the child within each of us, that we rarely acknowledge or celebrate.

Don't impose on me what you know,
I want to explore the unknown
And be the source of my own discoveries. 
Let the known be my liberation, not my slavery.
The world of your truth can be my limitation,
Your wisdom, my negation.
Don't instruct me;Let's walk together. 
Let my richness begin where yours ends. 
Show me so that i can stand on your shoulders.
Reveal yourself so that i can be something different.
You will not know who I am by listening to yourself.
Don't instruct me. Let me be. 
Your failure is that i be identical to you. 

From the book of Spiritual Intelligence by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall.